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erweiterte Suche

Frommer's EasyGuide to Santa Fe, Taos and Albuquerque
Laine, Don
2. Auflage 2020
FrommerMedia  - Adobe Digital Editions
ISBN 978-1-62887-498-3
Zustand: neu
CHF 24.40
CHF 27.10

Frommer's books aren't written by committee or by travel writers who simply pop in briefly to a destination and then consider the job done. Our authors are passionate local experts like Don and Barbara Laine, award-winning journalists who live in New Mexico and love sharing their home state with awed visitors. This insider's take introduces readers to the best and most authentic restaurants, hotels, shops, attractions, and nightlife, providing unique insights into the history, natural wonders, and contemporary culture of this southwestern powerhouse. Most important, the Laines will tell you straight out what's worth your precious vacation time-and what you can skip with no qualms.

Inside this light, portable guide you'll find:

· A fold-out map along with dozens more maps throughout

· Exact pricing, opening hours, and other important details so that there's no guessing or ugly surprises

· Smartly conceived itineraries for travelers with varying interests and varying amounts of time to vacation

· Star ratings for all hotels, restaurants, and attractions to clue you in on great finds and values

· Reliable, impartial reviews of the best shops, restaurants, spas, nightlife, and hotels in all price ranges. No entity has paid to be in this guide-or any Frommer's guide. At Frommer's, we pride ourselves on decades of journalistic integrity.

· A look at both New Mexico's fascinating history and its vibrant present

· Information on outdoor attractions and activities, from the best hiking trails, ski resorts, and trustworthy outfitters to rewarding adventures via horseback and hot air balloon

· Tips for saving money, whether you need to pinch pennies or have room in the budget for a splurge

· Large, easy-to-read fonts for quick scanning and light paper to keep the book portable and packable

About Frommer's: There's a reason that Frommer's has been the most trusted name in travel for more than 60 years. Arthur Frommer created the bestselling guide series in 1957 to help American service members fulfill their dreams of travel in Europe. Since then, we have published thousands of titles, becoming a household name by helping millions upon millions of people realize their own dreams of seeing our planet. Travel is easy with Frommer's.

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