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  • begeistert NZZ am Sonntag als kleinste Buchhandlung der Schweiz
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erweiterte Suche

Anchors Away
Frye Sr., William
Your Ultimate Guide to First-Time Cruising
2024 - 165 Seiten  - Adobe Digital Editions
ISBN 978-1-4566-4575-5
Zustand: neu
CHF 11.05
CHF 12.25

Embark on the Voyage of a Lifetime

Imagine the gentle ocean breeze caressing your face, the endless horizon inspiring dreams of exploration, and the luxury of a majestic cruise ship serving as your floating haven. "Anchors Away: Your Ultimate Guide to First-Time Cruising" is not just a book; it's your compass to navigate the exhilarating world of cruising. Whether you're a wide-eyed novice or seeking a new adventure upon the seas, this guide is the treasure map to your dream getaway.

Dive into the essentials of ocean cruising with clever tips and tricks to select your perfect sea adventure. Discover hidden gems across the many itineraries, learn the best times to book for the most savory deals, and unravel the mysteries of cruise types to match your ideal vacation style. Expert insights demystify the finest ship amenities, accommodations, and the true value behind different ship sizes.

Still guarding your purse strings? "Anchors Away" has your back. Navigate through the nuances of cruise costs with an unvarnished look at all-inclusive versus a la carte options, revealing the secret to an opulent cruise without breaking the bank. Equip yourself with the wisdom of saving strategies and budgeting smarts tailored for the waves ahead.

From the very first chapter, the excitement builds as you learn to book with confidence, packing your suitcase like a seasoned sailor, and stepping aboard with poise. Whether it's fine dining, vibrant entertainment, or a sanctuary of wellness and relaxation, this guide ensures you make the most out of your time at sea.

And when the ship docks, prepare to immerse yourself in exotic locales with our comprehensive guide to shore excursions - each page brimming with insights on how to respect local cultures while adventuring safely and richly. The social butterfly within will also discover the joy of onboard communities, where every encounter could lead to a new friendship.

Set sail with "Anchors Away" and chart a course for your most unforgettable journey. Pick up a copy today and let the countdown to your dream cruise begin!

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