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erweiterte Suche

Bachelor Studium HSLU
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
International Student Version
6. Auflage 2014 - 720 Seiten
Wiley  - Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
ISBN 978-1-118-80857-3
Zustand: neu
CHF 64.00
CHF 79.00


The design and analysis of efficient data structures has long been recognized as a key component of the Computer Science curriculum. Goodrich and Tomassia's approach to this classic topic is based on the object-oriented paradigm as the framework of choice for the design of data structures. For each ADT presented in the text, the authors provide an associated Java interface. Concrete data structures realizing the ADTs are provided as Java classes implementing the interfaces. The Java code implementing fundamental data structures in this book is organized in a single Java package, net.datastructures. This package forms a coherent library of data structures and algorithms in Java specifically designed for educational purposes in a way that is complimentary with the Java Collections Framework.

warenkorb Warenkorb
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Data Structures and Algorithms in Java - eBook
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java - eBook
6 Revised edition 2014 - 736 Seiten
John Wiley & Sons Inc  - Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
ISBN 978-1-118-77133-4
Zustand: neu
CHF 49.00
CHF 60.50


ISBN 978-1-118-80836-8

The design and analysis of efficient data structures has long been recognized as a key component of the Computer Science curriculum. Goodrich and Tomassia's approach to this classic topic is based on the object-oriented paradigm as the framework of choice for the design of data structures. For each ADT presented in the text, the authors provide an associated Java interface. Concrete data structures realizing the ADTs are provided as Java classes implementing the interfaces. The Java code implementing fundamental data structures in this book is organized in a single Java package, net.datastructures. This package forms a coherent library of data structures and algorithms in Java specifically designed for educational purposes in a way that is complimentary with the Java Collections Framework.


The design and analysis of efficient data structures has long been recognized as a key component of the Computer Science curriculum. Goodrich, Tomassia and Goldwasser's approach to this classic topic is based on the object-oriented paradigm as the framework of choice for the design of data structures. For each ADT presented in the text, the authors provide an associated Java interface. Concrete data structures realizing the ADTs are provided as Java classes implementing the interfaces. The Java code implementing fundamental data structures in this book is organized in a single Java package, net.datastructures. This package forms a coherent library of data structures and algorithms in Java specifically designed for educational purposes in a way that is complimentary with the Java Collections Framework.

warenkorb Warenkorb
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Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
2013 - 768 Seiten
John Wiley & Sons Inc  - Fester Einband
ISBN 978-1-118-29027-9
Zustand: neu
CHF 64.00
CHF 249.00


Based on the authors' market leading data structures books in Java and C++, this book offers a comprehensive, definitive introduction to data structures in Python by authoritative authors. Data Structures and Algorithms in Python is the first authoritative object-oriented book available for Python data structures.

warenkorb Warenkorb
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Data Structures and Algorithms in Python - eBook
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python - eBook
2022 - 928 Seiten
Pearson Academic  - Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
ISBN 978-0-13-485568-4
Zustand: neu
CHF 49.00
CHF 75.00


ISBN 978-1-118-54958-2

März 2013

768 Seiten, eText

Wiley & Sons Ltd

Based on the authors' market leading data structures booksin Java and C++, this book offers a comprehensive, definitiveintroduction to data structures in Python by authoritative authors.Data Structures and Algorithms in Python is the firstauthoritative object-oriented book available for Python datastructures. Designed to provide a comprehensive introduction todata structures and algorithms, including their design, analysis,and implementation, the text will maintain the same generalstructure as Data Structures and Algorithms in Java andData Structures and Algorithms in C++.

* Begins by discussing Python's conceptually simple syntax,which allows for a greater focus on concepts.

* Employs a consistent object-oriented viewpoint throughout thetext.

* Presents each data structure using ADTs and their respectiveimplementations and introduces important design patterns as a meansto organize those implementations into classes, methods, andobjects.

* Provides a thorough discussion on the analysis and design offundamental data structures.

* Includes many helpful Python code examples, with source codeprovided on the website.

* Uses illustrations to present data structures and algorithms,as well as their analysis, in a clear, visual manner.

* Provides hundreds of exercises that promote creativity, helpreaders learn how to think like programmers, and reinforceimportant concepts.

* Contains many Python-code and pseudo-code fragments, andhundreds of exercises, which are divided into roughly 40%reinforcement exercises, 40% creativity exercises, and 20%programming projects.


Details TBC.

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